Saturday, February 2, 2013

Phonic Drawers

I have seperated the letter sounds for the alphabet into 4 groups.  Each group has a color and each color has a set of drawers that holds work that goes with those letter sounds. 

Drawer 1: object sort
Drawer 2: picture sort
Drawer 3: letter sound mats
Drawer 4: letter/picture memory game from Montessori For Learning
Drawer 5: Letter/picture matching. I had not attached this drawer when I took the picture. 
I found this work at The Helpful Garden.
Here are the groups:
red letters: a, s, m, e, t, c
yellow letters: o, p, u, d, f, j
blue letters: g, l, b, i , n, w, r
orange letters: h, y, q, z, k, v, x

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